Get Silky Smooth Skin with Laser Hair Removal in Islamabad


Get Silky Smooth Skin: A Guide To Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the best available treatment for preventing growth of hair on body and face. The growth of both facial and body hair can be minimized by repeated laser hair removal sessions. Laser hair removal process not only saves a person from pains of waxing and other hair removing processes such as plucking but also it minimizes the chances of burns, redness and itching of the skin provided that a few precautionary measures are taken.
Here, I will let you know the do’s and don’ts of taking the laser hair removal treatment…..
The processes of laser hair removal along with the pre and post session precautions are briefly explained in the following sections.


How Laser Hair Removal Works?

Only the expert, qualified and certified dermatologists perform the therapy of laser hair removal, therefore, while making the choice for the specialists the authenticity of expert’s credentials must be obtained. Once the appointment is set, the experts use laser light to destroy the hair follicles for the purpose of inhibiting the hair growth. Depending on the area of body being covered in the session, the expert will determine the time span needed to complete the session.

Usually the time duration for the laser hair removal session ranges between 15 minutes to an hour.

During the session, the patient lays comfortably with the googles on the eyes to protect the eye balls from the laser rays.

A well-equipped clinic with a highly skilled and qualified dermatologist makes the process easier and comfortable for the patient.

Laser Hair Removal In Islamabad

The hair growth will not inhibit immediately after the first session instead at least six to seven sessions with an ideal gap of six to eight weeks are required to permanently get rid of the hair. In addition to this the regrowth of hair also depends upon the type of skin, nature of hair growth and perfection of treatment used. Usually, a normal skin type will take only six to seven session to permanently get rid of facial and body hair. In addition to the details of the laser hair removal session, the patients often worry about the cost of the session. The laser hair removal session being a beautifying treatment costs quite much but the results of the session worth it all. The session cost depends upon the area covered in each session. The more the area of the skin being treated the heavier are the costs of the session.

Having detailed the steps involved during the laser hair removal session, the following two sections detail the pre and post laser hair removal precautions. These steps will help the person get the best results from the hair removal session and fully justify the amount of money paid to get the treatment.

Pre-Session Precautions

Before taking the laser hair removal session, it is advisable to remove the hair from the particular area of body at least 24 hours before. This step will help the patient dramatically. First of all, absence of hair or thinness of hair will prevent the skin from burning and resultant scars. It will also make the process easier and efficiently manageable for the dermatologist as the follicles of hair shall be open and the hair growth through the session can be reduced more effectively.
Removing hair just a few hours before the session will not prove beneficial primarily for the sensitive skins because itching, redness and other associated impacts of the process will disrupt the process of laser therapy. Removing the hair 24 hours before the session helps the laser treatment to reach the roots of the hair not just the surface ends thus producing long lasting results.

Post-Session Precautions

Laser hair removal is an efficient means of reducing the hair growth gradually and getting rid from it permanently, however, how a person handles the sessions and takes care of the skin after the session plays an integral role in determining the outcomes of the session. After the session, preventing the skin from direct sun exposure at least for 24 hours is absolutely necessary. As after the laser therapy, the skin becomes sensitive, therefore, even the minute sunburns and other impacts of solar radiation can cause huge trouble.

In this regard, taking care of skin after the session is direly needed……!

In addition to this, use of serums or ointments in form of creams, lotions and foams as prescribed by the dermatologist is essentially important. These products soothe the skin and helps the skin to get back to normal routine after the treatment. Taking care of skin after the laser hair removal session is as much important as is the session in the first place, therefore, post-session precautions are very important.

Laser hair removal is the best available option for reducing hair growth both from the face and other parts of the body. If taken consistently as per directives of the skin specialist, a person can eventually get rid of the body hair permanently. Taking precautions associated with the process both before and after the session are significantly important. Dermatologists favor shaving of area before laser session instead of waxing and tweezing. Likewise, after the session the protection of skin from the sunburns is also important. Once all of these precautions are taken, the results of the session depend largely on the expertise of the skin specialist.

Rehman Medical Center is a renowned Pakistani medical clinic that specializes in treating skin related issues. The center offers reasonable costs for taking hair removal sessions and have a whole squad of highly qualified and experienced dermatologists. To get the laser hair removal session at the center, getting an appointment from the relevant specialist is the first step. The rest of all hustle is managed by the staff of the Rehman Medical Center.

It is time that you avoid the pain and frustration associated with waxing, shaving and tweezing as the best skin care provider is in the town that ensures health and glow of your skin at the reasonable rates.