Q Switch Laser Treatment in Islamabad

Q Switch Laser Treatment in Islamabad

Having flawless skin is one of the dreams of everyone, but due to factors like sun damage, pollution and other environmental aggressions, it can easily lead to skin issues like dark spots, pigmentation, acne and acne scars and various other skin problems. For that Q switch laser treatment is the right option for one to maintain a flawless skin and remove skin issues. Q- Switched laser is the treatment which makes use of high intensity released, targeting specific areas on the skin. Q-switched lasers are renowned for protecting surrounding tissue and a lower risk of unfavorable side effects because the energy’s contact with the skin is less than that of other lasers. Basically a pulsed light with a high intensity is produced by Q-switched laser technology. Q-switched lasers are adaptable therapies that can successfully treat a variety of conditions because they can also produce light at various wavelengths. Nd:YAG lasers, which emit light at wavelengths of 1064 nm and 532 nm, are the most widely used kind of Q-switched laser. Due to the wide range of uses for this kind of laser, it is highly prized. Q switch laser treatment is available in Islamabad and the best center to opt for this treatment undoubtedly is the Rehman Medical Center as it employs the highly skilled, professional and experienced dermatologists that treat the patients by taking into account their skin type and other medical details.

Uses of Q Switch Laser

In cosmetic dermatology, the Q-switched laser has many uses. The Q-switch laser can heat deeper layers of skin because it is non-ablative, which prevents skin tissues from being harmed or scarred. Because of this, it is a useful tool for skin resurfacing.


Different wavelengths of Q-switch lasers are available. Dark blue or black tattoos can be removed using lasers with a wavelength of 1064 nanometers (nm), whereas red, sky blue, and green tattoos can be removed using lasers with a wavelength of 532 nm. Q-switch lasers remove tattoos by heating the ink until it shatters after penetrating the skin. Q-switch lasers can remove tattoo ink without causing any skin damage or scarring when used properly.


Both vascular (vein) lesions and pigmented skin lesions can be treated with Q-switched lasers, including but not limited to.


 Hyperpigmentation only affects one side of the face and mostly area around the eye. After removing the it with a Q-switch laser fantastic improvements are seen. There are no side effects reported ever and recovery time is also minimal to nonexistent.


 Lentigines are flat, hyper pigmented lesions brought on by sun damage or aging skin. Q-switched lasers work well for gradually reducing them, but there is a chance of increased hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. After just one Q-switched laser session, lentigines significantly improve.


Hyperpigmented patches or spots, usually on the face, develop as a result of the condition known as melasma. For such skin ailment three once-monthly Q-switched laser treatments can significantly reduce their appearance. There has only been mild, transient side effects like itching reported.


 Flat, hyper-pigmented skin patches called “café-au-lait” are common on newborn babies. Q-switch lasers were used to treat cafe-au-lait spots in 471 kids for a 2019 study in China. There were no negative side effects and a 79 percent overall success rate for removing cafe au lait.


 Due to their red or purple coloring and spider-like appearance, spider angiomas are sometimes referred to as spider vein and Spider angiomas in the face and neck can be successfully treated with Q-switch lasers.


With little to no downtime, laser liposuction is a non-invasive alternative to traditional liposuction. Q-switched lasers are frequently used in laser liposuction because they can effectively remove excess fat while causing the least amount of tissue damage. Q-switched laser liposuction causes 54% less blood loss than conventional liposuction.


 A Q-switched laser is an efficient way to treat acne scars. In three 1064 nm Q-switch laser treatments spaced out over eight weeks, according to a 2022 study in the journal Medicina, acne scars significantly improved. There were no known negative side effects. Treatments using the Q-switch were regarded as secure and efficient.


 Q-switched lasers are frequently employed in skin resurfacing procedures. The goals of treatments include enhancing skin’s tone and texture, reducing wrinkles, and lowering oil production. Q-switch laser treatments significantly reduce wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. All of these services are available at Rehman Medical Center Islamabad in highly reasonable price with little to no side effects.

How Q Switch Laser Works?

When it comes to removing unwanted pigmentation or tattoo ink, the Q-switched laser is excellent. Short energy bursts produced by the laser are selectively absorbed by the abnormal pigment after passing through the top layers of skin without harm. As a result, the pigment breaks up into smaller pieces, which the body’s immune system can then naturally eliminate. The Q-switched laser can also be adjusted for general skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. For a smoother, clearer, and brighter complexion in these conditions, treatment advantages include removing dirt, dead skin cells, excess oil, and bacteria. The deeper skin layers are heated by the laser as well, gradually encouraging the synthesis of new collagen.

Possible Side Effects

Despite being uncommon, side effects from Q-switched laser therapy can include:

  • Hyperpigmentation can occasionally result from inflammation or from getting laser treatments too frequently.
  • Scarring has a low likelihood.
  • An allergic reaction to tattoo ink fragments happens infrequently.
  • Bruising and swelling.

 If one has experience blisters or other infection-related symptoms, speak with his/her healthcare provider right away. The professionals and doctors of Rehman Medical Center make all Q switch laser treatments highly individualistic to the patients thus the probability of the side effects is reduced to the minimum and they provide additional precautionary measures right after the treatment thus avoiding the hustle of another appointment with them thus saving one’s time and money.

If any of the aforementioned treatments of Q switch laser are needed, then the Rehman Medical Center in Islamabad. This center is one of the most renowned medical centers in the entire country. The specialists of this center are highly experienced and pay extra care to every patient as per their skin needs. Taking appointment at this center is easy and the patients do not have to wait for weeks to get the treatment.

So what are you waiting for? Just get an appointment and be ready to make your skin perfectly young and beautiful.