The Wonders of PRP Hair Treatment


 In the journey for delectable, sound hair, numerous people wind up exploring plenty of medicines and items promising phenomenal outcomes. Amid this ocean of choices, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Treatment stands apart as a progressive arrangement that outfits the body’s mending systems to invigorate hair development. At Rehman Skincare, we are focused on revealing the marvels of PRP Hair Treatment, offering you an opportunity to rediscover trust in your locks. Go along with us on this journey as we dig into the profundities of PRP treatment and its extraordinary consequences for hair restoration.


What is PRP Hair Treatment?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment has earned far-reaching respect in the domain of regenerative medication for its capacity to advance tissue fix and recovery. This inventive method includes the extraction of platelets from the patient’s blood, which are then concentrated and once again introduced into the scalp to animate hair follicles. The platelets contain development elements and cytokines that assume a significant part in tissue recovery, consequently encouraging the development of thicker, better hair.

The PRP Hair Treatment Step-by-Step Procedure:

Step1: Understanding PRP Hair Treatment

Before digging into the technique, getting a handle on the essentials of PRP therapy is pivotal. PRP Hair Treatment saddles the influence of your body’s natural recuperating components by using platelet-rich plasma obtained from your blood. These platelets are wealthy in development elements, proteins, and cytokines, which animate hair follicles, advance hair development, and further develop hair thickness.

 Step 2: Preparation Phase

 The journey to delicious locks starts with an intensive discussion at Rehman Skincare. Our master dermatologists survey your scalp condition, clinical history, and hair concerns to fit the treatment as indicated by your extraordinary requirements. Once considered appropriate, we continue to the preparation phase.

 Step 3: Blood Collection

 With accuracy and care, a limited quantity of blood is drawn from your arm, like a standard blood test. The gathered blood goes through a centrifugation interaction, where it is turned at high paces to isolate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood parts.

 Step 4: Plasma Enrichment

 The isolated plasma, presently enhanced with a concentrated portion of platelets, is fastidiously removed and ready for the following period of treatment. This strong remedy is the way to invigorate hair follicles and start the revival interaction.

 Step 5: Numbing and Cleansing

To guarantee your comfort all through the procedure, a desensitizing cream is applied to the scalp. In the interim, the designated region is scrubbed completely to eliminate any contaminations, considering the ideal retention of the PRP solution.

Step 6: PRP Injection

 With the most extreme accuracy, our expert dermatologists manage the PRP solution straightforwardly into the scalp utilizing fine needles. This designated approach guarantees that the platelet-rich plasma arrives at the hair follicles, where it can do something amazing in animating development and reviving lethargic follicles.

Step 7: Post-Treatment Care

 Following the PRP Hair Treatment, you might encounter gentle redness or swelling at the infusion destinations, which commonly die down within a couple of hours. Our specialists give exhaustive post-treatment care rules, including delicate scalp care schedules and proposals for ideal outcomes.

Step 8: Patience and Persistence

 Similarly, as with any hair restoration treatment, persistence is vital. While certain people might see enhancements in hair surface and thickness not long after treatment, full outcomes ordinarily manifest more than a while. Consistency and adherence to post-treatment care rules are fundamental for boosting the viability of PRP Hair Treatment.

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How Does PRP Hair Treatment Works?

The procedure starts with a simple blood draw from the patient, ordinarily from the arm. The blood is then positioned in a rotator machine, where it goes through turning to isolate its parts. This centrifugation cycle disengages the platelet-rich plasma from the remainder of the blood, making a strong solution loaded with development factors and recuperating properties. When the PRP is removed, it is painstakingly infused into the scalp at designated regions encountering hair thinning or loss. The exact organization of PRP guarantees that the development factors arrive at the hair follicles, starting a fountain of cell exercises. These development factors animate lethargic hair follicles, advance blood circulation, and empower the expansion of new, better hair strands

What are the Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment?

  1. Stimulates Hair Growth:

One of the essential advantages of PRP hair treatment is its capacity to animate lethargic hair follicles, advancing new hair development. The development factors present in platelet-rich plasma enact the hair follicles, prompting thicker, better hair over the long haul.

  1. Improves Hair Density:

 For people encountering thinning hair or beginning phases of balding, PRP treatment can essentially further develop hair thickness. By supporting the scalp and renewing the follicles, PRP infusions advance the development of thicker strands, bringing about more full-looking hair.

  1. Natural and Safe:

 Dissimilar to conventional hair restoration techniques that include surgeries or engineered synthetic substances, PRP treatment is a natural and safe than other options. Since it uses the patient’s blood, there is an insignificant risk of unfavorable responses or hypersensitive reactions, making it reasonable for many people.

  1. Non-Surgical Procedure:

 PRP hair treatment is a non-surgery, making it an alluring choice for those careful about going through intrusive medical procedures. The infusions are controlled directly into the scalp utilizing fine needles, and the whole interaction normally takes less than 60 minutes, permitting patients to continue their day-to-day exercises with negligible interference.

  1. Minimal Downtime:

Dissimilar to surgical hair transplant techniques that require expanded recuperation periods, PRP treatment flaunts insignificant personal time. Most patients can get back to work or their standard routine following the treatment, with just gentle inconvenience or redness at the infusion locales, which normally settles within a couple of days.

  1. Customized Treatment Plans:

PRP hair treatment can be custom-made to meet the novel necessities and objectives of every patient. Whether tending to explicit areas of balding or holding back nothing revival, dermatologists and hair-rebuilding experts can modify the treatment intent to improve results for individual patients.

  1. Long Lasting Results:

While numerous sessions might be prescribed to accomplish ideal outcomes, the advantages of PRP hair treatment can long endure. Numerous patients experience a huge improvement in hair thickness, surface, and in general scalp wellbeing, with results that can persevere for months to years with appropriate upkeep.

  1. Complimentary to Other Treatments:

PRP treatment can be utilized related to other hair-rebuilding medicines, like skin prescriptions or laser treatment, to improve results further. By joining various methodologies, patients can boost their possibilities accomplishing wanted results in their hair rebuilding venture.

How long does hair PRP last?

At the point when you visit a dermatologist, you might request numerous tests to analyze the genuine reason. PRP for hair doesn’t treat the genuine reason, however, it manages the hair development results. It gives an expanded blood supply to hair follicles. It includes different PRP medicines that assist in keeping up with hair well-being. When balding is taken care of, your PCP might propose upkeep medicines every 3 to a half years. The after-effects of PRP treatment are different as it changes from one individual to another

PRP Hair Side Effects:

 It is the process of your own blood, so there is no way to get an irresistible sickness. In any case, the utilization of needles can prompt different after-effects, for example, diseases, scar tissue, vein injury, and so on.

 In case you can’t endure a sedative, inform your doctor. You might encounter a few different side effects too. A few medicines can likewise cause side effects. It is an unquestionable necessity to examine with your primary care physician, if you take any sort of medication. You might encounter a few different side effects too after going through PRP treatment for balding. These side effects include:

  • Itching
  • Injections cause bleeding
  • Scalp tenderness
  • A headache
  • Swelling

Who is the right candidate for PRP Hair Treatment?

On the off chance that you begin encountering hair fall as of late, PRP is a decent choice to go with. PRP helps your feeble region of the scalp to develop your hair back naturally. Individuals with diabetes, viral diseases, and scalp contaminations shouldn’t go for this treatment as it might cause different after-effects. Weighty smokers are additionally not qualified for PRP. If you have been determined to have the accompanying illnesses, you shouldn’t go through the treatment of PRP.


  • Constant skin diseases
  • Systematic disorder
  • Sepsis
  • Thyroid disease
  • Low platelet count
  • Cancer
  • Acute and chronic infections
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Hypofibrinogenemia
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Hemodynamic instability

Following individuals can likewise benefit from PRP:


  • Bald men
  • Balding since most recent five years
  • Going bald in ladies because of menopause

Aftercare Instructions for PRP Hair Treatment:

  1. Gentle Hair Care Routine:

After PRP treatment, it’s vital to embrace a delicate hair care routine to stay away from any damage to the scalp or recently treated hair follicles. Utilize a gentle, without sulphate shapoo and conditioner explicitly prepared for sensitive or treated hair. Stay away from brutal synthetics, unnecessary heat styling, and tight haircuts that can strain the scalp.

  1. Avoid Touching or Scratching:

 Fight the temptation to contact or scratch your scalp following PRP treatment. Your scalp is in a fragile state, and any unnecessary manipulation can upset the mending system and lead to difficulties. Forgo scratching regardless of whether you experience gentle tingling, as this can present microorganisms and cause contaminations.

  1. Protect from Sun Exposure:

 Direct sun exposure can be unsafe to your scalp post-PRP treatment. UV beams can cause aggravation and harm the skin, obstructing the mending system. Wear a wide-overflowed cap or utilize a scarf to safeguard your scalp from the sun when outside. Moreover, go for a sunscreen explicitly intended for the scalp to give additional security.

  1. Hydration and Nutrition:

Legitimate hydration and nutrition assume a critical part in keeping up with by and large scalp wellbeing and advancing hair development. Drink a lot of water to keep your body and scalp hydrated. Consolidate a fair eating routine plentiful in nutrients, minerals, and protein to sustain your hair follicles from the inside. Food sources like salad greens, lean proteins, nuts, and seeds can uphold ideal hair development.

  1. Follow-Up Appointments:

 Plan follow-up meetings with your dermatologist or medical services supplier as suggested. These arrangements permit them to evaluate your headway, address any worries, and make fundamental acclimations to your treatment plan. Customary check-ups guarantee that you’re on target towards accomplishing your ideal hair objectives.

  1. Patience and Consistency:

Results from PRP hair treatment may not be quick, and rehearsing tolerance and consistency is fundamental. Hair development is a progressive cycle, and you might begin seeing upgrades in hair thickness and surface north of a while. Sticking to the recommended aftercare routine and remaining steady with your treatment plan are critical to accomplishing ideal outcomes.

  1. Communicate with Your Provider:

Open correspondence with your medical care supplier is pivotal all through your PRP hair therapy venture. In the event that you experience any surprising side effects, like unreasonable redness, enlarging, or torment, go ahead and out to your supplier for direction. They can give customized counsel and address any worries you might have.

PRP Treatment FAQ

If you are contemplating PRP for your body, face or hair, you likely have numerous questions. Our aestheticians at RMC are ready to assist you. While you will undoubtedly have concerns about your exact injury and course of treatment, we find that many of our patients ask the same broad inquiries. These questions have been created so you can be as informed as possible before visiting our clinic.

What is the cost of Hair PRP in Islamabad?

   The cost of Hair PRP treatment in Islamabad varies depending on individual needs and the number of sessions required. For accurate pricing information of Rehman skincare, please contact our clinic directly.

Which Clinic is best for Hair PRP in Islamabad? Used to Treat Injuries?

Rehman Skincare is recognized as a premier destination for Hair PRP treatment in Islamabad. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed with experienced professionals dedicated to delivering exceptional results.

Who is the best doctor for Hair PRP in Islamabad?

Our team of skilled doctors at Rehman Skincare specializes in Hair PRP treatment, ensuring personalized care and optimal outcomes for our patients.

How many sessions of PRP are needed?

The number of PRP sessions required varies based on individual factors such as hair loss severity and response to treatment. Typically, a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart is recommended for optimal results.

Are there any side effects of hair PRP?

While side effects with PRP hair treatment are rare, some individuals may experience minor swelling, redness, or discomfort at the injection site. These effects are temporary and usually resolve within a few days.

What is the success ratio of PRP treatment in Islamabad?

PRP treatment for hair has shown promising results for many patients in Islamabad. However, individual outcomes may vary. Our team will assess your specific condition and expectations to provide realistic expectations for treatment success.

How long does hair PRP take to see results?

Patients typically begin to notice improvements in hair texture and thickness within a few months of starting PRP treatment. Full results may take several months as the hair growth cycle progresses.

What are the most common misconceptions about Hair PRP treatment?

One common misconception is that PRP alone can restore full hair density in all cases. While PRP can stimulate hair growth and improve hair health, it may be most effective when used as part of a comprehensive hair restoration plan tailored to individual needs.

Who is the ideal candidate for hair PRP in Islamabad? using platelet-rich plasma (PRP)?

Ideal candidates for PRP hair treatment include individuals experiencing mild to moderate hair loss or thinning, those in good overall health, and those with realistic expectations for treatment outcomes.

Is hair PRP treatment painful?

    Discomfort during PRP hair treatment is typically minimal. A topical anesthetic may be applied to the scalp before the procedure to enhance comfort. After the treatment, any discomfort is usually mild and short-lived.