Aqualyx Benefits

Can I Lose Weight From Aqualyx? Know Here

Have you tried every diet, and they just don’t seem to work? Finally, a new solution on the market could be just the thing you need to get that stubborn body fat gone forever! This non-surgical body-contouring treatment targets fat cells and dissolves them.

This simple procedure works to dissolve fat cells and allow them to be flushed out of the body! The beauty of the Aqualyx injections is that they work on hard-to-reach areas like the abdomen and hips! As a result, Aqualyx is a safe and effective way to lose weight!

Continue reading this blog and get to know more about it in detail.

What is Aqualyx?

Fat cells in the treated area are reduced by the safe and efficient fat-dissolving injection treatment Aqualyx. Because of the long-lasting effects, you can get rid of the unwanted areas of stubborn fat.

The injections are created from a plant-based solution containing deoxycholic acid, a bile acid crucial for the digestion of fat.

Small, exercise-resistant pockets of fat can be treated with Aqualyx around the chin, chest, abdomen, and thighs. It helps with skin tightening and body shaping.


Benefits of Aqualyx Injections

Losing weight can be very difficult, especially when you’re starting. Fortunately, Aqualyx is an option that allows people to lose weight in a safe, healthy way.

Aqualyx is a powerful treatment that provides a range of benefits. So, take a look at them and know their benefits in detail.

  • Aqualyx effectively and efficiently targets problem areas without requiring any type of invasive surgery.
  • It starts to work straight away once the product is injected.
  • Aqualyx is often used to improve the contours of the body.
  • Aqualyx is a non-surgical procedure with less downtime.

Where Can Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections Treat?

Fat dissolving injections are most effective on small areas containing fat pockets. The most commonly treated areas are:

  • Abdomen

Many people have a small amount of extra fat around their waist. This fat can build up in a ‘pouch’ that makes fitting your clothes uncomfortable and harder to exercise.

  • Chin

Excess fat beneath your chin can drastically change your facial appearance. Often called a ‘double chin,’ the fat that accumulates in this area can be difficult to lose, even with diet and exercise.

  • Arms

Upper arms often accumulate fat, which can jiggle when the arms are raised, waved, or moved around. These deposits of fat, sometimes referred to as ‘bingo wings’, can make you feel more self-conscious when wearing short-sleeved clothing.

  • Thighs

Saddlebags are areas of fat that sit on the outer thighs. While calorie-rich diets can certainly cause saddlebags, they are also associated with the hormone estrogen. So, even with a balanced diet, you can still have difficulty with excess fat on your legs.

These are the most typically raised areas, but it is not a comprehensive list. Aqualyx fat dissolving injections are highly effective at minimizing fat cells in a designated area. Therefore, if you have concerns about another area, such as the buttocks, hips, or back, these injections can help.

Are Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections Safe?

At RMC, our fat dissolving injections are perfectly safe for most patients. In addition, the injections’ solution helps kickstart a natural process, meaning patients are unlikely to experience unexpected side effects.

However, as with any medical procedure, there is a small risk of complications. Our team of qualified professionals has the experience to ensure the injections are carried out safely and effectively.

Who Cannot Take Aqualyx? 

Like with all cosmetic procedures, you must be at least 18 years old to be eligible for the procedure. Additionally, Aqualyx injections should be avoided by women who are expecting or nursing.

If you have auto-immune disorders, lipodystrophies, or other pathological circumstances, you may not be a good candidate for aqualyx fat dissolving injections.

An ideal candidate for an Aqualyx procedure will have elastic skin. Skin elasticity is the capacity of your skin to stretch and then return to its original shape. Your skin may appear saggy or wrinkled if it is not elastic.

To ensure that your skin snaps back into place when the fat melts, Aqualyx is designed for people with good skin elasticity. If you have weak elasticity, your skin may sag when the fat dissolves where it was injected.

What Can We Expect From The Procedure?

The procedure is simple; you will visit the clinic for fat dissolving injections after consultation. Aqualyx is injected alongside an anesthetic to minimize discomfort, as the solution needs to be injected fairly deeply into the fat pocket.

Depending on the size of the area being treated, the appointment should last between 30 minutes to an hour.

You might feel a little sensitive and red at the injection site, but this will go away in a few hours. You’ll notice that the area will swell slightly in the days after your treatment; this is normal and necessary for the fat to start to dissolve.

Your body reacts by sending white blood cells to remove the trash as the fat cells are broken down. After a few days, this should pass, and you will start to see your new, more defined figure.

How Long Does Aqualyx Take To Work?

The size of the fatty deposit that needs to be treated determines how many Aqualyx treatments are necessary. For tiny areas like the chin, 1-3 treatments are often required, while for bigger areas like the thighs, 2–6 sessions are required.

Repeat treatments should be scheduled four to six weeks apart, and clients should anticipate seeing improvements three to six weeks after the initial treatment.

It’s also interesting to note that combining Aqualyx treatments with Ultrasound Cavitation Therapy might optimize and accelerate outcomes. This maximizes the therapeutic effects of the Aqualyx liquid solution by allowing it to spread more quickly in the desired location.

Aqualyx side effects

Skin irritation, redness, swelling, and discomfort in the treated regions are a few possible Aqualyx side effects. These side effects should go away three to six days after your treatment.

Additionally, some people may have bruises, although Aqualyx is generally free of serious side effects. Plus, consult the professional aesthetics and beware of fraud ones.

How painful is Aqualyx?

In the body, aqualyx can be a painful operation, but on the face is far less so. Throughout the procedure, there will be some discomfort in the body, but we’ll try our best to numb the affected areas.

Additionally, Aqualyx contains a local anesthetic, which reduces discomfort during therapy. Following the treatment, your body will hurt, and you might wish to go home and rest. However, patients report no pain or discomfort in the face, and things are much simpler.

Aqualyx Aftercare

It is advised that patients adhere to aftercare instructions to maintain treatment results and reduce the possibility of side effects. The day of your treatment should be free of any strenuous activity, and you should wait at least 12 hours after your procedure before applying any cosmetics.

Our RMC team is available to respond to inquiries. If you’re interested in learning more about Aqualyx fat-burning injections, why not schedule a free appointment with one of our doctors? You will undoubtedly use this to determine whether Aqualyx is the right solution for you.